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Insights from The Pediatric Sleep Nurse

Feeding Aversions and Sleep: Understanding the Connection

Feeding aversions, a condition where a child refuses to eat or has difficulty eating, can be challenging for both parents and children. While there are various factors that can contribute to feeding aversions, one often overlooked aspect is the correlation between feeding and sleep.

Mom feeding baby with bottle

The Sleep-Feeding Connection

Many parents offer their baby the bottle or breast frequently when they are fussy, assuming that they are hungry. However, babies can become fussy for reasons other than hunger, with tiredness being a common culprit. When a baby is repeatedly offered food when they are not hungry, they may develop a feeding aversion. This is because they feel pressure to eat when they are full, leading to a negative association with feeding.

Recognizing Signs of Feeding Aversions

Signs of feeding aversions can vary but may include:

  • Arching back/looking distressed during feeds

  • Crying or becoming upset during a feed

  • Turning away from breast or bottle

  • Need to be distracted with toys or TV in order to eat

  • Refusing to eat even after long stretches of time

  • Changes in sleep patterns with a combination of other symptoms

  • Feeds are stressful for parents

Creating Healthy Feeding and Sleep Habits

To promote healthy feeding and sleep habits, it’s essential for parents to differentiate between hunger and tiredness cues. Establishing a consistent feeding and sleep schedule can help ensure that babies are eating and sleeping at appropriate times. Additionally, creating a calm and soothing bedtime routine can help babies relax and prepare for sleep.

The Impact of Overfeeding and Bottle Feeding

I’ve observed that some parents may focus excessively on the amount of milk their child consumes, believing that it will lead to better sleep. This can lead to overfeeding, as parents may offer the bottle even when the baby is not hungry, out of fear that the baby will not sleep through the night. This cycle of overfeeding can contribute to feeding aversions and make sleep issues worse! It is important to remember that baby’s can self regulate their feeds. They are not always going to finish their bottle, and that is OK! Trusting your baby knows when they are full or still hungry is the key to not overfeeding!

Seeking Support

If you’re struggling with feeding aversions or sleep issues, it’s important to seek support from a healthcare provider or sleep consultant. You are not alone! Health professionals can help identify the underlying causes of feeding aversions and provide guidance on how to address them effectively. There are ways to overcome a feeding aversion!

Understanding the connection between feeding and sleep is crucial for promoting healthy habits in babies. By being mindful of your baby’s cues and creating a nurturing sleep environment, you can help prevent feeding aversions and promote healthy sleep habits for your child!


Feeling overwhelmed by all this sleep talk? Need a little extra guidance? Book an Expert Strategy Session with me or sign up for my Premium Support package and get ready to conquer sleep like a pro!

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thorne the pediatric sleep nurse holdng a baby in overalls

Hi! I'm Thorne

My goal is to make the journey to restful sleep clear, simple, and achievable for every family.

The pediatric sleep nurse holding a baby in overalls

Hi! I'm Thorne

My goal is to make the journey to restful sleep clear, simple, and achievable for every family.

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